In 1970, BMW racing driver and businessman Hubert Hahne had the idea for a special-edition, high-spec version of the BMW 2002 TI which he wanted to give his new wife ? well-known actress Diana K・・rner ? as a wedding present. The result was an exceptional series named after the lady in question. With fixtures and fittings by Stuttgart-based Baur, the most striking features of this 02 were definitely the twin headlamps (reminiscent of the luxurious E3-series 2500 and 2800) and the vibrant special paint colours, each of which adorned a single car.
●メーカー:KK Scale
●Diana は、2002Ti のハイスペックモデル。レーシングドライバーのHubert Hahne が、新妻にプレゼントしたクルマで、彼女の名前が、Diana Korner だった。そのモデルは、量産モデルとなり、70年モデルとして販売された。
In 1970, BMW racing driver and businessman Hubert Hahne had the idea for a special-edition, high-spec version of the BMW 2002 TI which he wanted to give his new wife ? well-known actress Diana K・・rner ? as a wedding present. The result was an exceptional series named after the lady in question. With fixtures and fittings by Stuttgart-based Baur, the most striking features of this 02 were definitely the twin headlamps (reminiscent of the luxurious E3-series 2500 and 2800) and the vibrant special paint colours, each of which adorned a single car.