■商品概要 The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm
■詳細説明 This year, the KSPP R&D team has researched the Bigbike modelmarket, which is popular for the Thai car market. Especially forBigbike family Honda CB/CBR 650 F/R by disciples who want strengthFirst of all is the exhaust pipe. Which has many bands to choosefrom, both genuine, Thai, copy, the next is to remap the ECUitself, both of which can be used for general service, but the KSPPR&D team has foreseen the factors that affect the efficiency of theNA engine are Air intake (Intake), especially the horn (VelocityStack), which the KSPP R&D team has expertise in this way, so theproduct was born.
Straight horn model CB CBR650 F/R, the KSPP has a principle of DualVelocity Stack or a two-layer horn (which has studied the principlefrom Carburetor, Yoshimura camp, his Japanese elder. It canincrease the speed of air in the middle part of the horn. (Thisprinciple is used in the SuZuki GSX1000RR), but on a differentbasis, KSPP has expanded the inlet from 35 mm to 50 mm and chasedthe size down to reach the mouth of the throttle body. As a result,the air speed is higher. As for the entrance, KSPP uses Profilethat can receive the most air in the design. And the most importantthing is the length of the runner, KSPP has chosen the same lengthof the latest version of the horn. (Which if the old year’s hornwill be longer) resulting in the torque in the early cycle is notlost, but the KSPP has expanded its growth. Makes the torque in themedium to maximum engine speed has just increased from the originalcourse.
The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm
This year, the KSPP R&D team has researched the Bigbike modelmarket, which is popular for the Thai car market. Especially forBigbike family Honda CB/CBR 650 F/R by disciples who want strengthFirst of all is the exhaust pipe. Which has many bands to choosefrom, both genuine, Thai, copy, the next is to remap the ECUitself, both of which can be used for general service, but the KSPPR&D team has foreseen the factors that affect the efficiency of theNA engine are Air intake (Intake), especially the horn (VelocityStack), which the KSPP R&D team has expertise in this way, so theproduct was born.
Straight horn model CB CBR650 F/R, the KSPP has a principle of DualVelocity Stack or a two-layer horn (which has studied the principlefrom Carburetor, Yoshimura camp, his Japanese elder. It canincrease the speed of air in the middle part of the horn. (Thisprinciple is used in the SuZuki GSX1000RR), but on a differentbasis, KSPP has expanded the inlet from 35 mm to 50 mm and chasedthe size down to reach the mouth of the throttle body. As a result,the air speed is higher. As for the entrance, KSPP uses Profilethat can receive the most air in the design. And the most importantthing is the length of the runner, KSPP has chosen the same lengthof the latest version of the horn. (Which if the old year’s hornwill be longer) resulting in the torque in the early cycle is notlost, but the KSPP has expanded its growth. Makes the torque in themedium to maximum engine speed has just increased from the originalcourse.
CB650F 年式: 14-17
CBR650F 年式: 14-17