■詳細説明 Perfectly compatible with the original attacks,CNC Racing leversare made of machined solid aluminum with subsequent anodizing ofthe surface and steel screws. Lever distance is adjustableaccording to your preferences,even on the move,on 6 positions. The folding lever prevents breakage in case of fall. The longlevers may not fit in the presence of hand-guards,always check thelength of the original lever. The long levers may not fit in the presence of hand-guards,alwayscheck the length of the original lever.
Perfectly compatible with the original attacks,CNC Racing leversare made of machined solid aluminum with subsequent anodizing ofthe surface and steel screws. Lever distance is adjustableaccording to your preferences,even on the move,on 6 positions.
The folding lever prevents breakage in case of fall. The longlevers may not fit in the presence of hand-guards,always check thelength of the original lever.
The long levers may not fit in the presence of hand-guards,alwayscheck the length of the original lever.
※メーカー製造ロットの商品によりロゴが変更になるケースがあります。MADE IN ITALY の刻印が無い商品やCNCRACINGのロゴが、「CNC」のみのデザインもございます。(メーカー本国サイトのロゴのようなデザイン)お客様でご指定は出来ません。あらかじめご了承ください。ロゴデザインの仕様変更に伴うキャンセルや返品は承っておりませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。
YZF R25 年式: 14-15
YZF R3 年式: 15-18